Pyrate Punx Pomona profile picture

Pyrate Punx Pomona

PoMoNa PyRaTe PuNx iN Da HoUsE!

About Me

PPP is just beginning, and we are the 25th chapter and QuarterStone to the WORLD-WIDE PYRATE PUNX! Definitely something to clank your mugs to! At this point we are trying to secure a warehouse space in Pomona where we can support the local and surrounding punk/thrash/metal/crust/doom bands, and whatever else we want as long as its underground and D.I.Y! We also have plans to have workshops, community organizing and some other D.I.Y related community oriented activities-- so stay posted! We are a non-profit organization that is here to support the scene, bring something positive to it, and have a safe place for the kitties and young at heart to have a good time and listen to some rockin music! We are very excited for the year(s) to come and be able to have a kick-off in October 2007!! For now, look out! Cuz here comes PPP ready to fuck shit up and have fun doing it! PLEASE no facist, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bullshit. we're all about bringing people together in a safe autonomous zone- not tearing others down based on socital isms and phobias.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/22/2007
Band Members:

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Type of Label: None