Books:: Music:: My Culture:: Building Civilization:: Lip Gloss:: Big Hair:: Self love and Acceptance:: Stilettos:: Pumps:: Acquiring New Knowledge:: Good Food:: Family and Friends:: Laughing:: Beatiful Smiles:: Art:: Inner Beauty:: Sunny Days:: Struggle and Progress:: Hard Work:: Politics:: Religion:: SpokenWord Poetry:: Writting:: Pedicures:: Photography:: Starbucks:: Sleeping:: Hot Bubble Baths:: Smiling at Strangers:: Money...I'm on a quest to build wealth::
SpokenWord Poetry. Street Art. Music. $$$
Bryan "Mookie" Arguez
DC United all day baby all day!
I like grown woman stuff. Coffee, a notepad and a pen. Grown up lady heels that cost some grown lady money. I like to get dressed like a grown person. I believe that being put together is an important way to pay tribute to all God and ya mama gave you.
The epitome of fabulous!
Recently Read: Fox Girl - A story about the Korean War and how it affected the people. Girls getting turned out to prostitution, doing the most to survive, families being destroyed, so on and so forth. It had a nice little ending of hope. Also read Bitch:Inpraise of Difficult Women- The author is very intelligent and has a lot of insight on things. It was completley life changing! It will provoke you to think about the way society handles women.
My mommy
hmmmm and probably young girls who endure horrible tramatic childhoods and still grow to be beautiful talented women.