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Snowboarding, Singing while driving, Tanning,
Gym (5 days a week), CHEESE, Green Tea, Salad, Beach, Tattooing on my ass,
Farting n farting in ppls face, OJ, wearing clothes that dont match( on a good
day i could be a 10 LOL), i like wearing old shoes! I am also on Friendster if u
want to add me. [email protected]!
I'd like to meet:
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Someone who is as curious as i when u go to a theme park and wonder who the hell is under the
costume, and u would purposely take picture with him just so u can try knocking
off his mask just to see who the hell it is...ooh..ooh..or, or, like when u
standing in line and would get near someone just so u can hear their
conversation cause ur in line for the past hour and a half and u will probably
explode if something interesting dont come up...or even worse like when ur stuck
in traffic, and u really need to pick ur nose, and ur curious if ne one in the
traffic catches u picking ur nose, and when u turn to the side someone is
straight looking at u...or like when go drinking and see someone really ugly and
u curiously think to urself, "'Dude im so fucked up, how come she still looks
like a dinosaur" and u realized then that alcohol is no longer a remedy for u to
settle for less...And lastly, arent u curious how the back of ur body looks
like. I mean u always look at ur whole front when u look in the mirror or like
looking down, but have u ever really gotten a chance to view ur whole back from
head to toe..hmmm...i wonder?? Also my punk rock princess!
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The USED, My Chemical Romance, SOTY, The Fray, and all other punk music
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Dude, where is my Bud Light? Matrix, CHANNEL
596 on DirectTV...BB2, KIDS, Count of Monte Cristo, Chick Flicks...Also, Im too
poor for cable and my tv sucks...the only channel viewable is 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and
they are all blurry! On a good day i can also watch channel 2 n 13...yay!
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One day I gonna to Malta to a big hotel, in the
morning I go down to eat a breakfast. I tell the waitress that I want two pieces
of toast .she brings me only one piece. I tell her "I wanna two pieces". She say
"Go to the toilet". I say "you don't understand, I wanna two pieces on
my plate". She say to me: "you better not piss on the plate, you
sonnawabitch". I do not even know this lady and she call me a sonnawabitch!!
Later I go to eat at a bigger restaurant. The waiter brings
me a Spoon and a knief but no fork. I tell her "I wanna a fock." and she tella
me ,"everyone wanna fuck." I tella her, " you don't understand me...I wanna fork
on the table." She say, "You better not fuck on the table you sonnawabitch."
So I go back to my room in my hotel and there is no sheets on the bed. I call
the manager and tell him "I wanna a sheet." he tell me to go the toilet. I say
"you don't understand I wanna a sheet on my bed." He say, "You better not shit
on the bed, you sonnawabitch."
I go to the Check out and the man at the desk said,"Peace on you." and I say,"
Piss on you too, you sonnawabicth." I gonna back to Italy!
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2 Drunk To Reed o Right!