i've come to the point in my life that if something doesn't involve bacon, i don't want to deal with it. i just can't deal with bullshit anymore.
breaking shit, scrawling racial slurs on the subway, satire, japanesified english words that have nothing to do with the original english meaning, punk rock, pirates, zombies, zombie pirates, picking up sexy pirates with cheesy pirate pickup lines...seriously...
I'd like to meet:
disasters, train wrecks, pyschotic reactions
jacques tati and link wray (RIP) and jeff beck and georges bataille
dead rock stars in capri pants
dominant men who do what i tell them to do
i have a thing for repressed homosexuals who juxtapose virtue and terror:
Richard Hell and the Voidoids' Blank Generation is my favorite album for reasons i won't go into. The Sonics is my favorite band. if Thursday night goes by without my listening to Dave the Spazz on WFMU 91.1, i get a little nuts and start flinging poo.
THE SONICS. Buzzcocks. Slayer. The Beatles. DFA. QOTSA. Kyuss. Les Breastfeeders. The Black Lips. The Creation. Mott the Hoople. T Rex. Bad Brains. Black Flag. The Horrors (the US band). Iggy Pop. The Adverts. MC5. DRI. 5 6 7 8's. The Heartbreakers. Les Fleurs de Lys. Nirvana. Ohio Express. The Shoes. Hotsnakes. The Faint. The Monks. The Saints. The Sex Pistols. The Stooges. Link Wray. Motorhead. Velvet Underground. Screaming Lord Sutch. The Ramones. The Troggs. The slits. Patti Smith. The Who. '68 Comeback. Os Mutantes. Buddy Holly. Zappa. Plasmatics. X Ray Spex. The Ventures. PJ Harvey. The Good Rats. The Kills. The Trashwomen.
some of my favorite songs are from crappy garage rock compilations and i don't even remember the names of the bands or of the songs. same thing with blues or that surf shit, which is great.
i don't care about what's cool or not. i used to do that punk thing back in the day. now, whatever puts me into an ecstatic state of joy is what i'm searching for. music must move my viscera around--it doesn't matter if i'm chilling out or freaking out.
i can't believe life's so complex//when i just want to sit here and watch you undress//i can't believe that the axis turns//on [total crap]...
i'm bored of cheap and cheerful//i want expensive sadness//hosiptal bills, parole//open doors to madness//i wan't you to be crazy 'cuz you're boring, baby, when you're straight//i want you to be crazy 'cuz you're stupid, baby, when you're sane...
i like gritty 70's films--you know, crazy mean streets of NYC shit--imitation gritty 70's films, French stuff especially from the 60's, Buster Keaton, silent gems no one gives a shit about anymore, avant-guarde surrealist stuff,
The Third Man. Resevoir Dogs. Pulp Fiction. Un Chien Andalou. The Phantom of Liberty. Slums of Beverly Hills. Clockwork Orange. Willy Wonka [you have no idea how long i've had a crush on Gene Wilder]. Taxi Driver. Dog Day Afternoon. Playtime. Mon Oncle. Les Vacances de M. Hulot. Le WeekEnd. Gates of Heaven. Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe. Burden of Dreams. Fitzcarraldo. Even Dwarves Started Small. Lyrical Nitrate. Gimme Shelter. The Man With the Movie Camera. Revolutionary Girl Utena. Sherlock Jr. Crash [the fucked-up one with car crashes]. Danton. A Nous la Liberté. Marat/Sade. Annie Hall.
I am a book slut. No denial about that.
Villette by Charlotte Brontë [Bitch fight to the ultimate death bewteen Jane Austin and Charlotte Brontë: my money's on Brontë.] is my favorite novel of all time. // Dostoevsky: Notes From Underground, Crime & Punishment // Freud in general, even though, generally, he is out of my league. // Georges Bataille is a swell guy. // Nietzsche is my boyfriend. We like to go on dates where we beat our heads against the wall. // Camus is supercool. // Foucault is awesome. // Weird NJ: I got all of 'em. // Maldoror by the Compte de Lautreamont. // I wish I can visit 221b Baker Street. // Pulp trash. // Oscar Wilde punched me in the throat with his amazingness at an early age. //
i like kafka in spite of all of you. in 2003-4, i went on a Hunter S Thompson/Lester Bangs/ Chuck Palahniuk binge, but i really don't remember anything that happened. musak books, photo books, art books, fashion books, and musak-photo-art books take up most of my shelf space.
the unholy trio: rousseau, freud, and dostoevsky