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Desence' born Oct 16, 1993, in Norfolk, VA. growing up, getting joked on, made fun of, and talked about. I didn't know what to do, at age 3 I picked up my first basketball, and I put my all in that, I knew of God, but I didn't know him just yet. Feeling continued suffering from my classmates, I never feel behind in school, and with all of the jokes that came my way, I began to dislike myself. At age 4 I asked Dameon Lavar Turner (May 29/1979-December 14,2005) to be my father figure, because I had no father around. By age 8 I was having suicidal thoughts, but never attempted, any actions on my wishes, and I am also happy that God didn't take any action either. By age 11 my suicidal thoughts had calmed down, and I had gained more confidence in myself, my friends, my game, and my life. All along God had blessed me with the gifts of writing music, singing, and putting meaningful expressions to words. My mom says that I was singing sense birth, but I didn't begin writing until I was 8. Months after my 12th birthday Dameon died, I fell back into the dark miserable hour that I was in once before, soon after that was told by doctors that I would have to have heart surgery, so at that time I was fatherless, sadden, and sick. My surgery date was set for March 3,2006, Febuary 27,2006 exactly one week before my surgery I went to a church service that was held on Fridays for kids in my area, and that night around 8 o'clock I made the most important decision of my life, I gave my life to GOD! After that, I had the 7 hour long surgery and I'm still here to tell the story. God blessed me to meet many people throughout my short life and I will continue to do so for as long as God wants me to. I am a 14 year old young woman For Christ, I Reach All People (R.A.P) through Rap. and I praise God with the words from my mouth and the love in my heart. God Bless ~Desence'Myspace Layouts - FreeCodeSource.comMySpace Codes
Make Love Letters at Myspace Codes