if you don't already know I FN LOVE OZ... everything about it, if you feel the same way you'll know exactly what i mean!!
LOUD & PROUD..t-shirts are available in black or white.
Aussie culture....sports, music...FN EVERYTHING AUSSIE camping anywhere in OZ
anyone who FN loves AUSTRALIA!!!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Australian artists, And any thing else worth listening too..
Australian films... the castle and you and your stupid mate Benchwarmers,300 was the best..MAD MAX 1&2 .. 3 can eat shit they killed it for me..
Australian series, everything but home and away and neighbours! Simpsons,South Park,OZ,The Wiggles, OZ and anything funny
Australian yarns,Your diary..Is RALPH a book ??
Paul Hogan and every other Australian,Mel gibson, Ernie Dingo. And Ian Thorpe so i can laugh at him..