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Lil Sexy's Music

Lady Prototype...

About Me

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My name is Stephanie.. I've been told I am the Lady Prototype... Get to know me and you will know why!!! I am a laid back individual with a love for music and writing.. I have a regular my psace page but My Space, I felt, needed the presence of my music which is why I have added some of my tracks to this music page. For those who our real music lovers out there.. ENJOY!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/28/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: It's just me.. I sing, I write, I rap (at times), I'm a poet..... I do however work with my cousins Nate and Dwight when I'm in the studio in PA.
Influences: I love so many people from Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Christina Ag, Alliyah, I was a big Dru Hill Fan, and I think Brian McKnight is very talented. I love Gwen Stefani... Kelly Clarkson is amazing too..
Sounds Like: MYSELF..... I'm like R&B meets Rock........ I do love Rock although I have not done a lot of Rock songs yet....
Type of Label: None

My Blog

I DUNNO; Thoughts

Ya try to be the best chic u can be standin by his side Whenever ish happens, u in the passenga seat for the ride. 2 different places, yet never apart. U gotta realize that sometimes, that's just how ...
Posted by Lil Sexy's Music on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 11:29:00 PST

Frustrated Pt 2

I'm frustrated again. It seems I'm always that way these days. I mean I'm happy with who I am but it's the world around me. I mean I just don't get it anymore... I don't understand people, their actio...
Posted by Lil Sexy's Music on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 01:48:00 PST

I don't get it..

I don't get it... U try U try.. And U finally just don't get it anymore.. See me, I'm the type of person whenever something goes wrong I try to breathe and I let it go, but the more things happen the ...
Posted by Lil Sexy's Music on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:02:00 PST