Computers, Electronics And My Sexy Love...
New And Interesting People, Who Would Become Members Of My Website
Real Hip-Hop, R&B, Raggae Roots, Dancehall, Raggaetone, And My Sexy Love...
The Matrix (1,2,3,) The 40 Year old Virgin,Kung-Fu flicks.
Martin, Def Comedy Jam, Def Poet, etc;.
Read many books, don't have the time to list them all.
Fred Sanford from Sanford and Son...
James Evans from Good Times...
Nat Turner...
Marcus Garvey...
And the list goes on!!!
S is for Savvy
O is for Organic
L is for Lucky
A is for Ambitious
R is for Radical
E is for Earnest
L is for Loving
C is for Casual
O is for Optimistic
N is for Neglected
Q is for Quiet
U is for Unforgettable
E is for Enjoyable
R is for Relaxed
E is for Exquisite
L is for Logical
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