...Probably not what you're expecting... profile picture

...Probably not what you're expecting...

I am here for Friends

About Me

Here we go...
Hey, I'm Krystal. I'm 22 from Dover.. I just graduated in May with a BA in Journalism from UNH. Hopefully I'll find some way to utilize my degree within the first year out, but we'll see. Definitely need a breather at this point. Just plan on bartending for the summer so I can make back some of the money I lost by working an internship last semester. so broooooke lol
hhmmm...About ME....Well, I'm not a huge-go out every night-get blacked out kinda partier, but I seriously value my time spent with friends whether that's in a bar or not. I always try and have a good time, stay positive, and not become someone else's responsibility. If anything, I'm usually the one driving so yea...
I love surprises and someone who takes the initiative to do something nice :)
I lost my dad about a year ago and my roommate and good friend, Derek, this December. Since then, I've started becoming a bit more spiritual. Religion was always something I ran from and to this day, don't fully agree with. I have my own set of beliefs, that of which has gotten me through the shitiest of times, so I'm thankful. Everyone has their own thing, and that's cool. I would never judge someone for who they vote for or which church they go to, but if you try imposing your views on me, I probably won't talk to you again. lol
Everyone has their list of what pisses them off so here's mine: ignorance, especially racism
the drug scene- just not my thing. I have really strong opinions about it |and addiction| so I try not to discuss it.
People who are babied through life and don't appreciate anything- that includes other people.
Liars...especially in relationships. I might hurt your feelings with the truth, but I'll never just come out and lie to your face. Not saying I've never lied to anyone in my lifetime, but I think that when people become adults, it's time to take responsibility for what you say. Lie to my face...and say goodbye.
Females who LIVE and BREATH drama. Life's too short.
Alcoholics- had some really bad experiences with those. Not interested.
Cheaters...just break up with me. Why is that so hard? lol
For the more "controversial" side of me: I'm pro-choice, I eat meat (but I can see why people don't), I did not vote for Bush, I think the FDA is the most twisted department in our entire governmental system because they will never approve drugs that cure cancer and AIDS simply because they get paid off by Congress and doctors who would be out of jobs if there were such cures available, AND I believe that marijuana is a ridiculous thing to keep illegal, not saying I'm a fan personally, but come on... we're filling our prisons with pot heads instead of murderers and rapists.
I don't wear uggs, I rarely drink milk (newby on the soy lol) I've been to Ireland twice and miss the crew desperately! I've mooned people... I've been mooned, I'm a fan of champagne, I'm a journalist who SUCKS at spelling outside of work, I have a really hard time being mean to people, but I refuse to be walked on...ever again.
That's about it I guess...I'm sure I could find more stuff to rant about, but I'm good for now. I can't even believe you're still reading this! LOL
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My Interests

Dane Cook, caesar salad wraps, Light Blue by D&G, Ed Norton movies, concerts, Red Sox and Celtics games, MUSE, mushroom/tomato omlets, apples and peanut butter, mint patty frozen yogurt, vegans who don't yell at me for eating meat, Iced chai, traveling, chinese food, sushi, thebuckle.com, Silver and BKE jeans because they're actually long enough, astrology, financial independence, anyone who fights for this country- even if they don't agree with our president, sign language ...oh and those little corn on the cobs you get in pork fried rice.Things I DON'T like so much: hypocrites who can't admit that change is okay, racism, stupid Bush bashers, even more-stupid Bush supporters, politics in general, the FDA, Micheal Moore because he's abnoxious and ignorant...period, those hairless cats, Vegans who DO yell at me cuz I eat meat, self-ritious non-conformists who have no reasoning for their arguments aka followers without a cause, and spicy food. I can't do spicy.

I'd like to meet:

...I met him. :)


The strokes, Elseworth, Porcelain and the Tramps, Reggie and the full effect, The Killers, Deftones, Team Sleep, Circa Survive, Saosin, Jack Johnson, Portishead, The Blood Brothers, Coheed and Cambria, Sia, Zero 7, Bjork, Aaliyah, New York Underground albums, Esthero, The Roots, Fiona Apple, Bitter:Sweet, DJ Tiesto, Richard Humpty Vission, Mos Def, Common, My Chemical Romance, Martina Topley-Bird, Tricky, Massive Attack, Arctic Monkeys, The Used, Chiodos, Erykah Badu....saw her in concert-AMAZING, Rhazell- saw him too.... hmm who else...? I guess you could say I have an 'eclectic' taste in music.


THE UNITED STATES OF LELAND. The Believer. Any Ed Norton films. Boondock Saints, Boiler Room, Frida, Detroit Rock City, Mod Squad. I love funny movies....Tommy Boy, Stealing Harvard, High Fidelity is GREAT. Goodwill Hunting, Tigerland, Love the Hard Way, Rounders, Gia, The Mexican, Waiting, North Country, In Her Shoes, Igby Goes Down, The Pianst, Half Nelson, Secretary ...and the list goes on.


House. Letterman. Family Guy. The journalist in me prefers CNN, but I venture over to Fox News every now and then...it's like choosing candy over cardbord half the time.


Gotta love Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club, because his other books, Choke, Lullaby, Invisibal Monsters, etc are just as good, if not better. Also Jonathan Leetham's, "Motherless Brooklyn" which Ed Norton was going to try and get the film rights too.. "Killing Paparazzi" by Robert Eversz. "Love and other recreational sports" by John Dearie- must read. "The Devil Wears Prada" ... oh and "Trading Up" by Candice Bushnell.

"Talking to Heaven" by James Van Praagh completely changed my life.



My Blog

I need to re-read this every so often to remind myslef.

Dun dun duuuuuuuun... this one was actually not bad... so I'm bloggin it. :) Name one tangible and one intangible thing that turns you on. Great cologne &and confidence- not cockiness- CONFIDENCE. Wha...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:28:00 PST

A Breath of fresh air.

Sometimes, all you have to do is take a deep breath and accept the FACT that life/situations could always be worse. The only thing harder than starting over is hanging on to what you wish were di...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:46:00 PST


TOP 5: (In no particular order) MOVIES that you own: 1. Good Will Hunting 2. American History X 3. Boondock Saints 4. Green Street Hooligans 5. Tigerland MOVIES that you WANT to own: 1. Friends With M...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:58:00 PST

Just cuz I never take the time to do these...

1. Sex is best in the morning, afternoon, or night? afternoon...especially when you have no where else to be for the rest of the day 2. What side of the bed do you sleep on?outside 3. Pork, Beef, or C...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:10:00 PST


It's been a long week. My heart goes out to your family. This apartment and everything in it reminds me of you and our 4 months together. Never a dull moment. May the future hold nothing but more smi...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:39:00 PST


So my toilet broke today. Overflowed like a motherfucker. Unsure of what the hell clogged it (and unable to use the rediculous plunger [that never works] which was left for us by the last people) I d...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:09:00 PST

Pictures from Backpacking Ireland

So Aime and I spent just over a week backpacking through the 40 shades of green that is Ireland this month. I seriously need a chiropractor right now from lugging all my shit around, but it was so wor...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 08:21:00 PST


So my 6 weeks in Ireland has come to an end. I'm back in the Dirty D and I have to say, I certainly miss my friends out there already but there are certain aspects of 'home' that just can't ...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 05:06:00 PST

Pictures from the weekend

So Daryl's 21st was last week and we celebrated Saturday all the way into the wee hours of the next morning. I went to bed around 7am...have plenty of videos to share as well once I get back home and ...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 08:37:00 PST

Waterford and the TASC gig

So last night Ryan's band, Tortured Artists Social Club, played a gig in Waterford at this place called the Bowery Bar. They had their music video launch and single release which was cool- really dece...
Posted by ...Probably not what you're expecting... on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 09:06:00 PST