Music, Sleep, Golf, Roaming Aimlessly, Movies, Sushi, Traveling, Reading, Fine Wine, Top-shelf Vodka, Laughing, Havin' a good time w/ my partners in crime, Peanut Butter & Co. Mmmmmmmm
myspace graphics
Open-minded, funny, genuine people, and a couple of randoms along the way .... EVEN THOUGH IT'S TRUE, I JUST MADE THAT UP. I know 99.5% of you personally, and I will keep my page that way. Oh, if I could meet Bono, that would be dandy.
U2, BOB SINCLAR, Beastie Boys, Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews Band, Weezer, BNL, Marvin Gaye, John Legend, Amy Winehouse, Harry Connick Jr., Sinatra, Erykah Badu, Bad Religion, Social D, Gypsy Kings, Morrisey, Maroon 5, Maxwell, Jack Johnson, NIN, Chevelle, Al Green, Jay-Z, Eminem, Timbaland * I'll listen to whateva sounds good to me.
Love Actually, Garden State, Van Wilder, Dickie Roberts, Napoleon Dynamite, Mr. Mrs. Smith, Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Sixteen Candles, classic Disney cartoons
ANIMAL PLANET, Grey's Anatomy... I don't have time for TV.
The Right Words At The Right Time, The Four Agreements, Phonics books, & The Alchemist --- And, any other books that inspire me!!!
My astonishingly, amazing MOM, Free Spirits, Jon Stewart, Happy Bunny, Clara Harris (yes, that's the woman who ran over her cheating, bastard husband), George Washington Carver