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Party Animal. love surfing, horseback riding,mountainbike riding, all water sports pretty much, hanging out with the crew,and modeling. If you have any questions..speak up!..Oh and I love the ocean's and beaches.

My Interests

" Meeting new people. I love drawing and like quotes. Marine biology,scuba diving, boating, ski doo's..etc"

I'd like to meet:

I would like to talk to people that don't B.S. and try to be someone there not. Other then that I'd love to talk to anyone.
Your death will be suicide....Most likely because
people won't except you or love you or because
you hate life itself...You have constent
thoughts of suicide daily....and you plan when
you will. Someday it will happen....You most
likely die alone in your house...with nothing
but dark music playing. You'll probably write a
sucide note and die right by your bed side....

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
brought to you by Quizilla


"Cold-Year of the spider 12stones lifehouse ozzy death leopards Telsa podunk etc.. R&B Rap Rock-all types except i'm not to found of soft rock."


"Funny movies, really scarey movies or messed up movies are my favorite."


"Don't ever really watch T.V. don't have time for it with my jobs and the little time i have i'm with the crew.". But I do like "Charmed" when I use to watch t.v.


"I like books that have hooks to them or keep you wanting to read them."


"My dad and mom plus myself. And thoughs that are worth looking at as heroes such as firefighters....etc"

My Blog

Check out this video: Three Days Grace - Never Too Late

Check out this video: Three Days Grace - Never Too Late Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Summer on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 09:58:00 PST

Missing what was once life

Now that I'm getting older I look back at a lot of things and wished that my choice's that I made where different. I miss life as it once was and no longer will be and it makes me sad to the point whe...
Posted by Summer on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:11:00 PST

Word of advice

Take life day by day and dont let your time pass away. Who knows when your day will come, make the best out of everything that comes your way theres no reason not to!
Posted by Summer on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 01:26:00 PST

Death of my baby (horse)

I found out the other day that my beloved baby died at the young age of 6, the prim of her life was taking away due to colic. Food has lost it's taste and nothing seems to quich my thirst and words ar...
Posted by Summer on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 03:38:00 PST

I'm I doing the right thing?

There's some things in this world that I do not understand and probably will never understand.  I moved to california to be with my father hoping that I would finally get that father figure I wan...
Posted by Summer on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 08:50:00 PST

The move

Hey peps just want to let you all know that i'm in california . And that I made it safe and sound, it took 3 days from iowa which i think isn't to bad. But man oh man was that a long drive. The second...
Posted by Summer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Keep on smiling is what they say right?

Why do people hide things from you why do they insist of playing games with your mind and heart and they know its only causing  pain and grief. The one you think you know the ones you should be able t...
Posted by Summer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The perfect date

My thoughts on a perfect date would be with someone i enjoy being around of course and walking the beach at sunset with your feet in the ocean.. and then for some fun on the beach tackle football lol....
Posted by Summer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A Poem from the heart

Good Byes to Long July 2nd an utmost day, unknowing, unitelligible, my last good bye unsaid. River's run down beloved ones faces, fears, and fait...
Posted by Summer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

One of my many favorite Quotes. check it out!!

" when spider webs unite, they can tie up lions." "Those who can be happy today, Should not wait until tomarrow." Psalm139: Whiter shall I go from thy spirit? Or whiter shall I flee from thy pr...
Posted by Summer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST