"Long... Slow... Deep... Wet... Kisses that last three days." Baseball, Toast, 007, vodka rocks, cooking, Super Heros, office supplies, benadryl, Military superiority, commercials (30 second cimema), Stand-up comedy, the Purple Pie Man, stealing third, MacAllan, Bob Dylan, Bob Knight, Bob Newheart, most Bobs, Fun with English, Poker, Vegas, I am sure there are many more but that should get you started.
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The piano has been drinking;my necktie is asleep; and the combo went back to New York; the jukebox has to take a leak; and the carpet needs a haircut; and the spotlight looks like a prison break; cause the telephone's out of cigarettes; and the balcony's on the make; and the piano has been drinking; the piano has been drinking...and the menus are all freezing; and the lightman's blind in one eye; and he can't see out of the other; and the piano-tuner's got a hearing aid; and he showed up with his mother; and the piano has been drinking; the piano has been drinking;cause the bouncer is a Sumo wrestler; cream puff casper milk toast; and the owner is a mental midget; with the I.Q. of a fencepost; cause the piano has been drinking; the piano has been drinking...and you can't find your waitress; with a Geiger counter; And she hates you and your friends; and you just can't get served; without her; and the box-office is drooling; and the bar stools are on fire; and the newspapers were fooling; and the ash-trays have retired; the piano has been drinking; the piano has been drinking; The piano has been drinking; not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
Tom Robbins, and right now i am reading "I was Right on Time" by Buck O'Neal "Blink" and "Catch-22" Just finished "The Lovely Bones"
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