☆章Love is Contagious節★ profile picture

☆章Love is Contagious節★

AcTionS SpeaK LouDeR ThaN Words So BEliEvE wHaT U sEE nD F^()k waT U HeaRD!!!

About Me

" /";
Gis forGeeky
Iis forIrresistible
Sis forSensitive
Eis forExplosive
Lis forLovable
Lis forLuscious
Eis forExquisite
My name's Giselle, I wAs bOrN oN JuLy 26tH, 1987...sO tHat mAkEs mE a lEo...BoRn in TRiNiDaD and moVeD heRe whEn I was 11yRs. I'm tHe 2nd of 4 kiDs...(two younger broTheRs who I love WiTh eVeRyThiNg and OnE oLdEr SiStEr) I enjoy long WalKs on the Beach with thAt sPecial someone walking rite next to me... my Perfect date consists of a romanTic picNic under the MoonLight and Stars with PharreLL...lol j/k naH but realistically iM Pretty open minded...i love to have fun and i hate messin or dealin with bullshyt. I know what i want in life and im determined to get whatever i put my mind on gettinG...that means I'm iNdePeNdAnt I'm also an aspiring actress, but thats a long story all by itself...lol I moTivATe MyseLf and I DoN't nEEd aNyoNe tO mAke mE fEEl like I'm woRtH somEtHing cause qUite fraNkLy thAt'S mY biRtH rIte...(yeah playas...don't hAtE)iF u aiN't gOt anYthinG gOOd to Say theN STFU...POINT BLANK

My Interests

U think imm@ fool lik3 I won't find @noth3r m@n lik3 U? U got m3 twi$t3d c@u$e imm@ upgr@d3 U
i loVe hangiNg oUt, ShoPPing, ChilliN wiTh My FriEnds, PartyIng, gOing To The MoVies, BowliNg, wOrking Out (whEnEvEr i geT the tiMe), aNd All That Fun Stuff...LOl i gEt tiReD oF dOiNg tHe sAmE sHyT rEpEtitiVELy...i'M a very diVerse Person. I LoVe To Try New And DiFferent thiNgs WhenEver I can, I loVe to have Fun As loNg as It's Legal I dont waSte my time one thiNgs uNlEss I'm geTTing pAid or laYed...LOL...sO surPrise me
im not into the whole waStiN tiMe shYt cause thats useless to me... time is vAluAble...so I try To Make the BEst oF it I'M ALSO INTO FASHION AND ACTING. AND ANYTHING THAT'S SEXY OR HAS SEX APPEAL...

I'd like to meet:


i pReTTy mUcH LiStEn tO aNy aNd eVeRytHiNg...I LoVe: PharreLL, KanYe wEsT, UshEr, CoMMoN, BeYonCe, NeYo, LupE FiAscO, Sean PaUL, JayZ, ChiNgY, LloYd BanKs, SiMpLe PlaN, My ChEmiCaL RoManCe, JuStiN TiMbErlAkE AvRil LevEigNe...and tHe List GoEs oN... R&B, reggAe, Hip-hOp, gOspEL, soCa, pOp, & some Rock & counTrY


mY fAvOriTe mOviEs aRe fOrEsT gUmP & pEaRL hArBor, eVeRytHiNg eLse iS iRReLeVaNt...nah I'm just playin Love & Basketball, Playas Club, She's All That (LOL I know), bRown SugAr, TraiNiNg DAy, wEddiNg cRasHerS (omg this movies is funny as f***...if u've SeeN iT thEn ur oN thE right track and if not then u know what u goTTa do...duhhh), tHe fAcuLty and anything else that's funny


I loVe reading...True tO the game, DuTch, tHe ColDest wiNnter ever, triAngle Of sin...rEctanglE Of sin, sOn of a sNitch (a mUst rEad), kiNg oF sPadEs, etcI also read alot of self development books...Who Are u Really & what do u want, rich dad poor dad, the Frog, 10 Things I learned from bill poter, etc.


GOD is the head of my life and he comes first in everything I do... My mom and every other female thats doing her thing and makin it possible for the younger generation to believe in themselves and know that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE as long as you set a goal and stick to it