"Had Jimmy Page been buddies with Jack Black circa 1971, the result would have been something along the lines of the Big Num EP... this is music at it's biggest and ballsiest."
- DM, Decode Magazine
"If you regard classic rock as being about ancient rites and anachronistic melodies, then Big Num will change your mind. Taking influences from Led Zeppelin, Pixies and Rose Tattoo, this foursome have updated the concept of heritage rock and given it a real 21st century shine. Their current two-tracker, ‘Favourite Gun’, is classy, adventurous, powerful, and focused directly on the alternative rock scene. They’re going places – don’t miss out on these bright Brits."
- Rock Sound Magazine
"All the power chordy rock buttons are pushed and then some swish Electric 6 style zizziness kicks in and it's a groove y'all."
- Bugbear Bookings, London
"They take big AC/DC type riffs, dirty them up and put them in a blender with Jet and have a party drinking from the cup of rock n roll."
- Grebo, Vanity Project
"Big Num are here to save us from our provincial shame. Why? Because they are going to be famous."
- Simon Berry, Grapevine