I like my old cars, however i have gotten to the point in tired of talking about them so if you are curious where they came from i bought them off E-bay from some great car builder somewhere else in the world and i know nothing about them. I also like my fish tank. I have a very nice Salt tank. And i also got that off ebay and dont know anything about it.
Pretty much no one. I dont really like people anyway. Most of them are stupid and annoying. They are amusing when i am drunk, but for the most part im pretty much content.
Right now just listing to a lot of different stuff. Wolfmother, Tv on the radio, Plaine white Tees, Red Hot Chilli peppers, umm yea there is probally more that i got off EBay
I have been enjoying Grandmas Boy, Office Space, Accepted, and what ever else i am able to get off the torrents and of course E-bay.
South Park, Family Guy, Scrubs, Heroes, and Battle Star, and i got them off ebay as well. Seeing a pattern here?
I would have to say my father for this one.