MySpace Layouts
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Music, writing, the outdoors, the color blue and friends of the color blue, watching movies with memorable punch lines, investigating pretend crime scenes, acting like a photographer, charity events, fighting for good causes, get togethers with friends, theatre, vampyres and other things of a dark nature, hanging out with my dog, not going to church, planning surprise parties, shopping with my mom, visits from my little brother, stealing penguins with Katie, the Buffalo Exchange and other thrift shopping, IKEA, fall accessories and handbags, taking showers for an hour, getting up really early so I can be grouchy for awhile, drinking tea, separated eyebrows, my dog's maroon sweater, exercise, herbal remedies, spinach and cheese pizza, chicken, fresh cut grass, stargazing, tatoos, parks,sugar free gum, photo albums, candles that don't stink, pajama pants, hoody sweaters and wool socks, flip flops, live concerts, when the lyrics come in the album, camping without a tent, new pants, my green blanket, sushi more than once a week, good poetry, books with pictures, throat spray, moving to new places, picture messages, having funny stuff emailed to me,stocking caps, warm rain,planting stuff, clean houses, vanilla fabric softner, cartoons, helping others in need, new baby smell, fine decorative linens, cheese fountains, peach margueritas, self-employment, fate and destiny, good wine, 80's music and other stuff.
Strong givers, animal rights activists, truly talented musicians, honest writers, unique souls with odd accomplishments, people that tell life how it's going to be, cheese makers, the human persona of my dog and me at different stages of my future life.
Truly talented musicians born with abilities, not trained. Instrumentalists and composers. Country musicians are far better songwriters. There is more individual substance. Tone deaf people make up most of the planet so it doesn't matter what I like. I'm not tone deaf so I don't like a lot of stuff that you will because you can't hear how bad it is;) I like for everyone to like whatever they want to like. I flip through the radio stations like a crackhead because there is too much wasted air time on people who suck. Don't bother filling me in on American Idol either because the person who decided it was a good idea to group all the worst singers in the world together should be killed with his own arm. Apparently that person doesn't know how bad it can hurt the ears of a person who can hear pitch...bah! A few complimentary mentions of singers who do not suck: Amy Lee, Celine Dion, Martina McBride, Carrie Underwood, Jared Leto, Chester Bennington, Brandon Boyd, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Keys, Feist, Alicyn Meek, Lacey Mosely, Christina Aguilera and many others. Mostly anyone from before the times where we could edit voices to sound decent. Did you know there was a time when people actually had to be talented? Amazing!
So I Married an Axe Murderer, What Dreams May Come, Underworlds, Dodgeball, all John Hughes movies, Garden State, The Notebook, The Life of David Gale, Finding Neverland, Girls Will be Girls, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Blazing Saddles, Grandma's Boy, The Bench Warmers, Amelie, Vodka Lemon and a ton more foreign films. Crank, The Science of Sleep, Big Fish, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Love Actually and What the Bleep do We Know. There are more..Pan's Labrynth, Reign Over Me and other Adam Sandler Stuff. Good dramas and funny stuff mostly!
Crime dramas because they make crime solving so simple in just 24 hours! All crime reality. Animal Planet. Discovery and national Geographic Channels
Any book that reaches into my soul and imagination and takes hold. Mad libs. The blood, sweat and tears of anyone that has something so powerful to say that they have to put it on paper.
I have the greatest family ever. They never let me stop trying to get what I deserve. I also have some tremendously powerful friends. They all inspire me to be the best person I can be. Don't take your life friends for granted EVER!!! Humans who possess true compassion. Those who act as a brace of strength for the weakest amongst us. Anyone who has ever saved a life through organ donation. Children who battle terminal illness. They are far stronger than I am but I would like to think that I could be that strong if it were me. The elderly for being a staple of the past and teaching us what we need to be later in life.