"Laurel, if you could give up everything and keep just one part of your life, what would it be?"
I know. You have no idea.
I love my brother.
You know when you're on a train and all you can see is trees and fields, and you pass a woodland that you think is in a valley? And on the second glance you see that those aren't the tops of trees! They're the trees from root to tip. Its the second glance that matters the most.It shows you the depth of reality.. The detail. What matters. I hope when people see me in a valley they look again and see the whole tree.
My boy, he makes me so happy. x
Has been known to bring tears to my eyes.
I probably like more genres than you.
Take Your Pick.
A Life Less Ordinary
The Rainman
Memoirs of an Invisible Man.
All Studio Ghibli.
Anything that captures my mind with colours and beauty. Something confusing usually really appeals.
Give me a piece of literature and I'm yours. You won't get anything out of me until I'm done, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Is it?
Science Fiction.
The Best Friends & The Folkies
The Lovers & The Strongest Boy In The Whole Wide World.
Ricky Martin.