The young fashion designer Chi Cao Hanh founded the fashion label ichundchi in July 2007 to form a new platform for top-qualitative and timeless fashion.Inspired by her Asian origin, paired with the flair of Berlin, the home of her choices, she creates collections with a style appealing to everyone, virtually infecting people.Plain cuts combined with colourful and high-class drapery bear the designer’s fingerprints.This fashion is sensuous, romantic and frisky at the same time; it caters to the individual and self-confident (new) woman.A label full of passion and expression, opening doors to a feminine and elegant new world:IchundChi dresses you
/// I C H U N D C H I /// ::BERLINOMAT Frankfurter Allee 89 10247 Berlin:: ::a u s b e r l i n gbr Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 17 10178 Berlin/Alexanderplatz:: ::PEEK&CLOPPENBURG Tauentzienstr.19 10789 Berlin::