ancestry, ancient Europe, ancient Rome, anti-christianity, asatru, Asmodeus x, Bauhaus, Beethoven, Blood Axis, bodhrans, Boyd Rice, breasts, Breker, Carl Jung, celticism, circus maximus, Claudius, cold meat industry, Crash Worship, Current 93, dark folk, Darwinism, Death In June, Der Blutharsch, DJing, Dürer, eighties fashion, Elisabeth and Friedrich Nietszche, Estampie, eugenics, eurocentricism, Europa, euthenics, expressionist film, Ezra Pound, fascism, Fidus, films, Fire & Ice, folkish movements, Friedrich Sassoon, Gary Numan, genetic reincarnation, Gobineau, Guido von List, guns, H.L. Mencken, H.P. Lovecraft, Hagalaz' Runedance, heathenism, Hedningarna, I Claudius, industrial, Ingmar Bergman, Japan the band, Julian the apostate, Julius Evola, Karl Maria Wiligut, Knut Hamsun, Kraftwerk, leather, Mauser arms, mead, mead horns, medieval, Michael Moynihan, Mithras, modeling, Mosley, Nero, norse mythology, Northern Europe, ogham, orff, Ortega y Gasset, pagan art, Peterson pipes, pipes, polemics, Psychic TV, public execution, Qntal, racial memory, Ragnar Redbeard, Robert Graves, Rudyard Kipling, runes, Savitri Devi, sex, skinny ties, Sol Invictus, Spengler, Swans, tesco distribution, Thorak, Throbbing Gristle, Wagner, war, wax trax!, world serpent distribution.
....the person responsible...
Ingmar Bergman, Expressionist Film, politically "incorrect" propaganda, etc.
The Prisoner, I Claudius, Twin Peaks
If I only had the space and time....mythology, 19th & 20th century philosophy and politics, occultism and what is generally considered aberrant subject matter.
Ezra Pound, the man who must not be named, Robert Graves, and a handful of others.