Music, Writing (lyrics / err.. poetry?), Guitar, Cooking for friends, R&B clubs, Martial Arts, Playing poker, playing pool, etc… Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Biology and Marketing/Advertising...
Richard Dawkins: so I could shake his hand and thank him for standing up against willful-ignorance, and organized stupidity, in its most well established and protected of forms (Religious conviction).I'd also like to meet George W, so I could slap that silly, blank look off his face, and make perfectly clear that not everyone in the US is retarded enough to buy the shit he's selling.Lastly, I'd like to meet Keira Knightly, so I could buy her a triple cheese burger, and ask her to marry me ;)
I like a lot of different music (everything from Dean Martin to Tool)... So instead I'll just pick a few random names off the top of my head that not everyone on myspace lists.
A Few Favorites:
I try not to watch too much TV, but no one's perfect. In my many moments of imperfection, I can usually be found watching::::
Brilliant People that truly changed the world and the path of mankind (sometimes for the better)...Aristotle, Pythagoras, Democritus, Leonardo Da-Vinci, Sun Tzu, Isaac Newton, Galileo, Christian Huygens, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Francis Bacon, Stephen Hawking, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Sagan, Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Monet, Mozart...... To name a few...... Oh and Bruce Lee was a bad ass too!