Well, there's not alot to say in this department. I choose to believe that I am a very friendly person, but I've been told otherwise. Aparently I can be quite rude, but above everything I think it's just because I'm funny, sometimes my sense of humour really does suck, but I'm funny. I love my friends more than anything and my bubby dog Jeddah, she's so cute. I have the best friends in the whole entire world, they are fukn awesome. I love humour, it's so funny! And I quite enjoy a good laugh myself, I sometimes laugh alot (lol). I don't drink and I don't smoke, they're filthy habits ;)... oh alright, I enjoy a drink or two here and there and the odd social cigarette, but that's it (i also like lying by the looks of things). I love doing pointless nothings, I have fun with everything I do and whoever I'm with. I'm very outgoing and people say I talk too much, but I think some people just don't talk enough. I always enjoy (good) company around me. I'm very social and (most of the time) love people. I'm always wrong, and proud of it. I'm friendly, don't take me the wrong way. I like to pester and find myself very annoying, but I'm me and never will not be.