Melissa McLazy profile picture

Melissa McLazy

get out of my extended network and into my car

About Me

i'm very unfriendly

My Interests

i enjoy skinny-skiing, going to bull fights on acid...

I'd like to meet:

not you, so don't get any wild ideas


black sabbath, frank zappa, the rolling stones, bob dylan, the flaming lips, ween, guided by voices, the beach boys, neil young, neil diamond, led zepplin, smokey robinson, the ramones, ELO, the beatles, sonhouse, the white stripes, the raconteurs, tom petty, todd rundgren, the bee gees, the mamas and the papas, aretha franklin, prince, the bananas, stevie wonder, cat power, roy acuff, the carter family, hank williams, the jackson five, the crystals, the ronettes, the pixies, almost all christmas music and definitely all halloween music, sam the sham, the shaggs, the eps, forced vengeance, the jack palance band, the morons, the killers, david bowie, iggy and the stooges, danielson, big star...


the big lebowski, once upon a time in the west, the third man, mean streets, bottlerocket, halloween, caddyshack, my bloody valentine, the mutilator, carnival of souls, valley girl, dementia 13, manhattan, annie hall, dollars trilogy, the wild bunch, the magnificent 7, suspiria, tenebre, zombie, rushmore, the royal tenenbaums, night of the living dead, a christmas story, black christmas, santa claus conquers the martians, blood simple, magnolia, boogie nights, dazed and confused, 400 blows, friday the 13th, pieces, dog day afternoon, jaws, resevoir dogs, pulp fiction, kill bill, the amityville horror, raising arizona, fast times at ridgemont high, vacation, tourist trap, candleshoe, it's a wonderful life, the trouble with angels...


the simpsons, the office, the partridge family, diagnosis murder


the iliad


i thought it was spelled "gyros"

My Blog

bird water whistle

i want one of these.if anyone knows where to get one and wants to send it to me i'll be eternally grateful. xoxo,mm...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 03:08:00 PST


does anyone know what these people are doing?every year it's the same line down the block from every sausage shop in greenpoint.  and the line is there all day starting as soon as each plac...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 07:51:00 PST

happy halloween fun time

here are a few pictures of our may be taken aback by their nightmare inspiring ghoulishness...this next one is a personal favwho else thinks the light in this ones nose looks like a...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 01:14:00 PST

a pics worth a thousand words

but not $24.95.Stacey why do you want to force me to spend money?  I tried to do that flickr thing, simply to please you, but after i put a couple of pictures on there it was like "No way."a...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:51:00 PST


we're back and better than case you didn't know, keith and i went to austria for a couple of days... it was very exciting and fun and i lost my voice here's a lovely little view ...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 03:03:00 PST


once i dropped my keys down an elvator shaft right through the gap between the elevator and floor and into the flooded basement of a giant building. i never saw those keys ever again.
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:46:00 PST

where did it go?

i just stabbed myself in the hand with a pen and now a small chunk of my finger flesh is missing.   finger flesh.
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:40:00 PST


who thinks that going to the beach would cure my cold symptoms?    
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:04:00 PST

the beach

by the way. that thing about meeting someone who wants to take me to the beach. i am almost totally serious about that. so if you're my friend and live in the new york area- please- let's go to the...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 09:11:00 PST

a depressing tale of woe

so i was supposed to go see some band play at the mercury lounge tonight. and i actually went all the way there w/ vince + christine + keith. how nice. what fun we would have at the show. a good t...
Posted by Melissa McLazy on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 08:30:00 PST