my interests are acting modeling just hanging with close or new friends i love going out to eat i love amusment parks and the santa monica beach enviorment, i love just being myself, there isnt alot of people who i can just let go around
I'd like to meet:
im feelin myself right now
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
5_22890.jpg.D%AWhen I say... "I am a Christian" %.AI'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'." %D%.AI'm whispering "I was lost,.A.Now I'm found and forgiven." .AWhen I say... "I am a Christian" %. i don't speak of this with pride. ...A....I'm confessing that I stumble .?nd need Christ to be my guide. .AWhen I say... "I am a Christian" %D%A%D%AI'm not trying to be strong. .AI'm professing that I'm weak %D%A%D?nd need His strength to carry on. .AWhen I say... "I am a Christian" .%AI'm not bragging of success. ....I'm admitting I have failed .and need God to clean my mess. ....When I say... "I am a Christian" .AI'm not claiming to be perfect, .A.My flaws are far too visible %...?but, God believes I am worth it....AWhen I say... "I am a Christian" . i still feel the sting of pain.
AI have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
AWhen I say... "I am a Christian"
%AI'm not holier than thou, ..AI'm just a simple sinner...AWho received God's good grace, somehow. that was written by maya angelou, ive never had someone write something that explained exactly how i feel, lots of people question my christianity here is your answer
Movies: jones, and just to many to mention
flavor of love, like you didnt know
karrine steffens, confessions of a video vixen.