"dont u ever worry about the way the world is going? this weird global mcnugget culture we live in? all of our ideas and objects and activities made of fake materials ground up and reshaped into precisely mesurable units entered into some rich guy's softwear spreadsheet program? you dont even own your body. we niavely sign over control to spouces, the state, the church, big science..all while falsely thinking that we have control over our own flesh..clitorectomy, circumcision, veils, gi haricuts all reproductive technologies. so many people willing-and eager to tell u what YOU should be ashamed of. anorexia, bulimia, nautilus, barbie dolls and the application of nair...the list is endless. we arent even taught the right words to ask the right qestions." - poloroids from the dead
people with something to say
the sound of him laughing the taptaptap of rain on my window the silence of twilight chasing the night away
old and cheesy anything audrey hepburn
rots your brain.
read MORE faster deeper & quite possibly harderchuck palahniuk francesca lia block jack kerouac stephen chbosky douglas coupland