French Bulldogs, Philadelphia, drinking good beer in dirty places, travelling, thinking about far away places whilst loving where I am, walking around and looking, observing people and things, taking notes. Drinking coffee and spilling it just as often. Rollerskating!! Modifying environments - Applied Behavior Analysis.
John Waters, Alton Brown, Norm MacDonald and B.F. Skinner. Roller girls and those who love them.
I'd prefer to describe some basic guidelines that I have for music: 1. No saxaphones 2. No harmonicas/maraccas or combinations 3. Nothing soulful 4. Nothing funky 5. Nothing that could be described as a "jam"
I'd prefer to describe the movies that I do not like. I have rules, you know. Here they are: 1. No movie with explosions 2. Nothing that could be described as an epic 3. No movies with people walking or talking in the rain.
I miss having a consistent TV night, but I'll continue to do my best. TV night (when I can make it) is Survivor and Amazing Race. Otherwise, I love crappy TV like any reality competition on Bravo, anything on Food TV, Top Model and Lost.
Jon Goff is my favorite author. Then, About Behaviorism, A Handmaid's Tale, Mother Night - (or anything by Vonnegut), Camus, Brave New World. But, I have a confession, I would rather just have someone read me a bedtime story.