Ellie profile picture


I was born a Lumberjack's Daughter

About Me

I'm a fun guy (just like a mushroom) and I like to learn new things. Any activity that involves being around people and laughing is fun for me. i love sports but I suck at them. Super Bomber Man and Tai Chi are my new life callings. The old ones are engineering and dance (ballet or modern).

My Interests

I love ballet, I love to read, I love to eat ice cream, I love chemistry, physics, and Math, I love playing my cello, I love to act (just for fun), I love to sing, I love to watch movies with friends, I love to party, I love West Virginia, my home sweet home, I love the CEDAR center, my home away from, I love fishing (well, maybe not the actual fishing, but I love bating the hook), I love going to clubs with friends and dancing the night away, I love flirting, and I love my FAMILY (Mi familia es mas importante que todo) I also love Mike Delgado for pimping out my myspace. He is so Hott!

I'd like to meet:

The creator of the Animaniacs..... genius


I Like all kinds of music..... even polka
"I am the Walrus" font style=


Any movie with a plot. IE, not a brittney spears movie. I tend to only like chick flicks when I'm in the right mood. The Princess bride is a part of my life. I love Legends of the Fall. I like Beauty and the Beast, Ocean's 11 and 12, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The South Park Movie, etc. I can't really think of any movies I don't like right now, but maybe I'll get back to you on that.


The Giver, Walk Two Moons, 1984, the Chronicles of Narnia, the Bible, Harry Potter. Not necissarily in that order.


Batman is sexiest fictional character ever invented. Other than him I think my abuela is a pretty rightous lady. I hope my life has as much flavor as hers.
Wow! Even the quizes think I'm a slut...
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Your problem is Sexual Addiction
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My Blog

New Plan

So! New plan for the blogging: Don't Write in it anymore. I'll just tell the basics and if anything major changes... I'll let ya know. I'm currently a junior in Civil Engineering at Arizona State Univ...
Posted by Ellie on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:14:00 PST

let's start with... cosmic bowling

Ok, so... blogs. Last time I tried to write a blog entry I ended up erasing the whole thing without meaning to, and the time before that I erased it all on purpose. I don't think I'm very good at blog...
Posted by Ellie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST