sOfTbAlL,bOyS,sHoPpInG,bOyS,tHe A's AnD tHe RaIdErS,bOyS,mOvIeS,ShOpPiNg WiTh BoYs,MuSic,BoYs OkAy I tHiNk YoU gEt ThE pIcTuReTake the quiz: "what TYPE of guy is right for you?"
loves to skate , rock out , fun to hang out with , loyal to any close friends . hes got that bad boy image but underneath it all he's sweet and sensitive !!!!Take the quiz: "What Type of Flirt are You?"
Sexport Flirt
Yeah, baby! We think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Sexpot Flirt you don't hesitate to take the most direct route when you want someone's attention. A lingering touch on the arm here, a little licking of the lips there you're as saucy and seductive as they come. Flirting your way into someone else's personal space is second nature. The good news? Your intentions are crystal clear. The bad news? If you don't put your money where your mouth is, you'll have some explaining to do. But as long as you're having fun, put on that hot little outfit and go crazy. In the immortal words of Olivia Newton John, Let's get physical!
UmMmMm......i WoUlD lIkE tO mEeT BrAd PiTt AnD jEsSiE McCaRtNeY...tHeY aRe HeLlA hOtT
hellogoodbye,rocket summer, chevelle,murder dolls,taking back sunday,jimmy eat world,postal servicce,the dresden dolls,my chemical romance,atreyu,mest,yellowcard,blink 182cky,aimple plan,godsmack,queen,guns&roses,switchfoot,lostprophets,t
hree days grace,eminem,ciara,gwenstefani,kelly clarcksen,sharel crow and tons more -- -- -- -- -- Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes -- Video provided by VideoCodes4UTake the quiz: "Whats your "true theme song" ~PICTURES~"
Space By;Something corporate
Home is like hell to you...Thats were all your troubled times are. Chances are you might have abusive parents or parents that control you so much you can't even go to your next door neighbors house. Sometimes it get so bad school is heaven for you.
LaGuNa BeAch tHe ReAl WoRld ViVa La BaM PuNk'D PiMp My RiDe FaMiLy GuY O.C. CSI Charmed and of course my favorite sports
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