I love to dance, a lot! I love going out and dancing all night no matter where. I enjoy working out and going to the gym, but if i don't get out of the house I can waste a whole day or weekend with a book or a new video game.Authors I love: D Eddings, T Brooks, Allen Watts, Sun Tzu (horribly tacky in a list like this, but I'd love to talk to others who've read it), S Adams, R Jordan, A Asimov, Koontz, T Clancey, L.E. Modesitt, L Hamilton.
Other guys in the area. I don't know too many people in the area and would meet some new peeps. I'm always interested in meeting people who like to go out dancing and, despite all evidence to the contrary, I can't be the only Fruit in town who likes video games.. LOL! Fruit!
I like anything i can dance to, but I totally go wild for Techno that mixes Classical Latin choir, like O Fortna. Enigma did a few great songs using that piece and, by Jove, I liked it. I dig hard house but need to be totally blitzed before i listen to more than a minute of Happy Hardcore (should be called Seizures-R-Us)
The Milk and Cereal Song! You have to see it! It is F-ing funny, but still musical. Oh yeah, one of the guys is a hottie too! Trust me you will love it, unless you are defective... Which would be sad... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/flash/milkandcereal.html
Adult Swim!!! Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law is the best!! Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!! Family Guy, Family Guy and thensome!Hmm... Actually the only 3 channels I ever watch are Cartoon Network, Comedy Central and the Scifi Channel.
Allen Watts, David Eddings, Laurell K Hamilton, Terry Brooks, Stephen Donaldson, Weis & Hickman, J Saul, Koontz, Bukowski, Hawking, Ayn Rand.Calvin & Hobbes, Dilbert, Boondocks, Get Fuzzy.Just started with David Weber, he kicks happy ass!
Calvin (& Hobbes), Allen Watts, Peter Griffin & Chapelle (I'm Rick James, Bitch!)