Lets see ...........
For almost a decade now I have been a professional body piercer. You can find me Tuesday thru Saturday at Marc's Tattooing on Lackawanna ave in downtown Scranton, PA. I strive daily to keep on the cutting edge of the industry while focusing intensely on customer care, customer education, and absolute quality without wavering which is why, if you stop in an by chance I am not modifying the people of Northeast Pennsylvania, you will most likely see me behind the computer at the front desk constantly researching body modification information and/or corresponding with other professionals in order to better myself and the industry. I'm known for my absolute honesty and a penchant for just dealing The Facts. So, you if you even have a question that needs answering, feel free to drop me a line or stop by the studio.What else ????????I also have been creating, producing, and revolving intelligent electronic music for over a decade. I'm mostly into abrasive, complex styles of music, but enjoy a large varitey of music, as long as it delivers with purpose rather then fluff. Youo can look right below here or in the music section to the left to download some mixes if you want, feedback is always welcome.::UPADTED::02.16.06::
Mat Dapkuinas
Style: Hardcore & Breakcore
Time: 52:16
Size: 44.3MB
click to download)
Mat Dapkuinas
Style: Hard Tekno
Time: 52:16
Size: 47.8MB
click to download)
Mat Dapkuinas
Style: Tekno, U.K.
Time: 52:34
Size: 48.1MB
click to download)
Mat Dapkuinas
Style: Electro with a little 4/4
Time: 35:34
Size: 32.5MB
click to download)