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About Me

DJ COLLE (Nenad Kosovac) was born on 21st February 1980 in Pristina (Kosovo,SERBIA).
Growing up next to the electric guitar sounds of big rock stars of that era,mostly drawn to the sound of drums, he managed to get feelong for the rythm and beat. In the end of primary school he even started rock band as a drumer.
When in the '90s dance music got poppular worldwide, he replaced his drums with CD players and started spinning dance tunes,at first on private pertyes for his friends, radio stations and finally his professional DJ-ing carrer started in '99 at the Calypso Club in Pristina. He focused attention on house music. His sets abound in disco-house sounds but always incorporate moments for the good electro and at last time for progresive sound.
In 2001 he moved from Pristina to Belgrade. 2002 Colle formed a DJing partnership with Ivan Gojkovic and in 2007 SEX SHOOTERS was formed.
With the establishement of Sex Shooters production work has been promoted and during the spring 2008 the new single named "Little story" was released and accepted with excellent comments which confirms the appearance of this song in many serbian DJ's sets.
On most popular Belgrade radio station Top Fm (106.8 Mhz), Colle and Ivan Gojkovic organized and lead BEAT SHAKER radio show.In every show listeners have an opportunity to hear new hits from world labels for the first time in Serbia.
Until this day he had (as Sex Shooters) outstanding performances with international DJs, such as: DJ Antoine, Freemasons, Junior Jack, DJ Pantelis, Wawa, Geo Da Silva.

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My Blog

DJ Colle (Sex Shooters) biografija - Srpski

DJ COLLE (Nenad Kosovac) rodjen je u Pristini (Kosovo,Srbija) 21.2.1980.god.Od malena je bio zainteresovan za muziku jer mu je otac imao veliku kolekciju ploca iz '60,'70 i '80. Kao klinac je pri kraj...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:13:00 GMT

About BeatShaker

 /ENGLISH VERSION/   Beat shaker is radio show which has the purpose of bringing closer electro sounds in Serbia. The entire show is DJ set that lasts an hour. In that time listeners are ab...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 11:40:00 GMT