╚»☆KyMb3rLii3 ☆«╝ profile picture

╚»☆KyMb3rLii3 ☆«╝

I am here for Friends

About Me

sO tH3R3s 4 CoUPl3 oF thiinGs You ShOulD KnOw 4boUt m3h iim 4 l4aiid B4cK BiitCh uNtiiL Fuxx3d Wiif♥LoV3 2 h4ng Out wiiF m4h Frii3nds 4t Th3 M4Ll && 4lL tH4t goOd iish nOt r34Lly 4 P4rTy 4niiM4l BuT ii b3 workiin em wH3n ii do D3ciid3 2 gO lolz♥ H4t3 tH3 lOw DoWn DiirTy Niik4s Th4t Luv 2 lii3 2 g3t wH4t Th3y w4nt... So iif yOur On3 uv Th3m G3t d4 fuxx Off M4h P4ge CuZ ii gOT d4 PuSsY sO sh4wtY M4keS d4 rul3s♥ Th3 iimPorT4nt iish.... pL4ceD oN thiis HoriiBl3 34rth On tH3 28th D4y Of Nov3mb3r iin tH3 y3ar Of -- FiiGur3 iiT Out But y3z iimma yOungiin♥ JuSt fiiniisH3d M4h Fr3sHm4n Y34r @ W4cK 4sS Ny4ck HiighSchool Wh3r3 Dr4ma OccUrs MostLy Ev3ryd4y♥0nLy 5"4 && 3 quarters y34h ii know Kiinda ShOrt bUt B3sT b3lii3v3 ii C4n H4ndl3 m4h owN♥Shoutouts------ N4t4lii4 My Ac3 boon CooN---Jaja(bf4l) Love you liike a siis---Shannon (bf4l) Bestfriends since diapers ii love you--- Karriis 4k4 cH33s3 Whore---L3n4 4k4 Lenii B3nii-- HOney b3st Cuzzo 3ver-- Di4nnDr4 smiley--- Skye 4k4s hiis Biitch-- Ajah ba dajah---Dolly mii fuxxin R.O.D--- Rubsters m4h liil siis--- and of course La-ne-ne4 N3 oTh4 iinfo g3t @ me on 4iimLilmiSzkGuli

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



A Dr34m 2 m3 iis Nothiin But 4 WiiSh Th4t Ur H34rt m4k3s && WiiTh 4Ll of Th3 Dr34ms Th4t mii H34rt m4d3 w4s FolLow3d bii h34rtbre4k & H4rd Days......

My Blog

Down && Out

She cries on the inside and never on the out. She swears she'll never trust another guy cuz she knows wat their all about. She lacks self confidence because of incidents that happened in the past, Sta...
Posted by Z»KyMb3rLii3 «] on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:40:00 PST

Heart Broken

 It was hard but i had to let you go but b4 we oficially seperate i just want you to know that i love you and i will never let that feeling  go but after what u did it was time 4 u to hit th...
Posted by Z»KyMb3rLii3 «] on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:09:00 PST