sO tH3R3s 4 CoUPl3 oF thiinGs You ShOulD KnOw 4boUt m3h iim 4 l4aiid B4cK BiitCh uNtiiL Fuxx3d Wiif♥LoV3 2 h4ng Out wiiF m4h Frii3nds 4t Th3 M4Ll && 4lL tH4t goOd iish nOt r34Lly 4 P4rTy 4niiM4l BuT ii b3 workiin em wH3n ii do D3ciid3 2 gO lolz♥ H4t3 tH3 lOw DoWn DiirTy Niik4s Th4t Luv 2 lii3 2 g3t wH4t Th3y w4nt... So iif yOur On3 uv Th3m G3t d4 fuxx Off M4h P4ge CuZ ii gOT d4 PuSsY sO sh4wtY M4keS d4 rul3s♥ Th3 iimPorT4nt iish.... pL4ceD oN thiis HoriiBl3 34rth On tH3 28th D4y Of Nov3mb3r iin tH3 y3ar Of -- FiiGur3 iiT Out But y3z iimma yOungiin♥ JuSt fiiniisH3d M4h Fr3sHm4n Y34r @ W4cK 4sS Ny4ck HiighSchool Wh3r3 Dr4ma OccUrs MostLy Ev3ryd4y♥0nLy 5"4 && 3 quarters y34h ii know Kiinda ShOrt bUt B3sT b3lii3v3 ii C4n H4ndl3 m4h owN♥Shoutouts------ N4t4lii4 My Ac3 boon CooN---Jaja(bf4l) Love you liike a siis---Shannon (bf4l) Bestfriends since diapers ii love you--- Karriis 4k4 cH33s3 Whore---L3n4 4k4 Lenii B3nii-- HOney b3st Cuzzo 3ver-- Di4nnDr4 smiley--- Skye 4k4s hiis Biitch-- Ajah ba dajah---Dolly mii fuxxin R.O.D--- Rubsters m4h liil siis--- and of course La-ne-ne4 N3 oTh4 iinfo g3t @ me on 4iimLilmiSzkGuli