Name: Josh
Nicknames: Winship
Birthday: April 1st
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5'8''
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Status: Held down
Graduation Year: .....
Movie: Friday
TV Show: 106&Park
Book: .....
Color: Blue
Food: Pizza
Drink(Non-Alcoholic): Idk
Drink(Alcoholic): ........
Scent: Peaches
Actor: Danny Glover
Actress: Angelena Jolie
Sport: Basketball
Cartoon Character: Taz
Store: Urban X
City: New York
Vacation Spot: Martha's Vineyard
Band: Panic at the Disco
Song: Diamonds on my damn Chain
Football Team: Seahawks
Basketball Team: Bulls
Baseball Team: Yankees
Animal: Tiger
Magazine: Vibe
Candy: Cotton
Restaurant: IDK
Jewelry: Gold
Day of the Week: Friday
Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie Dough
Number: 7
Your Best Friend: Ty
Your Shoulder to Cry on: None
Do You Have More Girl or Guy Friends: Both
Who do You Consider a Sister: Nika
Who do You Consider a Brother: Rob aka Trey
Who Knows All Your Secrets: Rob n Ty
Do You Have An Enemy: IDK
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: ....
Do You Like Someone: Yezzer
Been in a Car Wreck: Nope
Been Arrested: Ya
Broken the Law: yA
Been Skinny Dipping: Nope
Been in Love: Nope
Smoked: Ya
Drank: Ya
Been High: ...........
Smoked Pot: .........
Been Kicked Out of School: Ya
Skipped School: Ya
Failed a Class: Ya
Broken a Bone: Nope
Shoplifted: Ya
Tried to Intentionally Hurt Someone: Ya
Fell Asleep in Class: Ya
Been in a Fight: Ya
Been Out of the US: Nope
Had Surgery: Nope
Spent the Night in the Hospital: Nope
Snuck Out of Your House: Ya
Lied to Your Parents: Ya
Showered at Someone of the Opposite Sex's House: Ya
Saw Someone Die: Nope....Dont count on it happenin
Had a Near-Death Experience: Nope
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Ya
Had a Broken Heart: Nope
Broke Someones Heart: IDK
Cried Over The Opposite Sex: Nope
Played a Game Requiring the Removal of Clothing: Ya
Laughed Until You Cried: Ya
Slept Under The Stars: Nope
Mooned or Flashed Someone: Ya
Killed an Animal: Nope
Prank Called Someone: Ya
Slept in the Same Bed as the Opposite Sex: Ya
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: A chick named Emily
Kiss: "
Car: ....
Trip Out of Your State: Mass.
Job: Contruction
School: ....
Slowdance: .....
Trip to a Beach: Jersey Shore
Celeb Crush: ....
Best Friend: ...umm.....A ni99a Named David
Pet: Jake
True Love: .....
Time You Were Out of Your State: 3 months
Slowdance: yrs
Movie You Saw at the Theater..(With Who): ...........idk
Person You Talked to on the Phone: ........
Song You Heard: ay bay bay
Broken Heart: .........
Thing You Ate: Bagel
Thing You Drank: MIstic
Person You Hugged: Mom
Shower: Today
Show You Watched on TV: .....dont member
Trip to a Mall: May 3 .07
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