Member Since: 8/13/2007
Band Members: ARAN WONDY, pioneer in the catalan rap movement in his city of Mataro, had combined his mother tongue with the language of those he dedicated his songs to in tribute to the singer's experiences in Peru and New Zealand between 2005 and 2007. Aran Wondy doesn’t forget his origins of a claimant rap and with his voice he pretends to fight for, as he had named, the catalan rapvolution.
Influences: MAQUETA/ DEMO
En construccio – Nou rap en catala ben aviat.
In construction – New Catalan rap comming soon.CONCERTS
Parc Vell Mataro, diumenge 27 abril, 16:30
Senia Mataro, dissabte 24 maig, 21:00AVENTURES/ADVENTURES
Propera parada/Next stop:
Centroamerica (Guatemala-Panama)CLIPS disponible a:
Sounds Like: "Una nacio esclava, com un individu esclau,
es una vergonya de la humanitat i de l univers"."A slave nation, as a slave man,
is an embarrassment of the humanity and the universe"Lluis M. Xirinacs i Damians
Type of Label: Indie