Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! profile picture

Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Touge V3.7 ( ... Yeah I love Offroad Racing, Drifting, Guns, and Cars! Basically anything loud, fast, and dangerous ... I'm there!

My Interests

By far my biggest interest is cars. I love them; ever since I was playing with HotWheels I've been a huge car fan. If it's fast I love it. I've own several modified cars over the years, but my favorite so far is the very first car I ever owned, the 1974 BMW 2002. I still own this car today and it's currently at my parents house in N.C. awaiting full restoration. I had a lot of fun while living in Las Vegas racing off-road in the deserts of Nevada and Mexico. I'm still planning on doing races next season for 2008 ... I will just be flying out for the races. Here in TN, I'm going to be getting more back into what I love to do the most, drive the touge (mountain roads), something I haven't got to do in the past 4 years, but now it's time to get back into that nightly routine *wink*.I also love playing with the "black guns" ... AR15's, FNFAL's, AK47's ... yeah you get the idea ... but a lot of my "gun-play" will be tapering off for a while until I find new places to shoot and people to go with.I have begun to get more active in the local church here in Crossville and the family and I are really enjoying good 'ol Baptist preaching again!The wife and I are getting more back into hiking and camping. We've done two weekend hikes so far, and plan to do a lot more. It's fun to be able to get out into nature and enjoy it ... something we've missed while living in the Southwest.Music Video: ..

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I'd like to meet:

It's not so much as who I'd like to meet ... as where I'd like to go. I always love meeting new people and sharing stories and adventures. I miss a lot of my good friends in Las Vegas though ... would sure love to see some of them shortly!


I have a wide array of music I like. 50Cent, Jay-Z, Blink 182, Johnny Cash, Beastie Boys, Mike Jones, Lil John, Rage Against The Machine, Green Day, Nirvana, STP, Ozzy, Chemical Brothers, Big and Rich, Charlie Daniels Band, Tenacious D.


Matrix I, II, and III. Fight Club. Gone in 60 Seconds. Smokey and the Bandit. Cannonball Run. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Dukes of Hazzard. Office Space. Sweet Home Alabama. All the Indiana Jones movies. Tombstone. The Quick and the Dead. Rounders. Boiler Room. Transpoter I and II. Training Day.


CSI, MXC, Seinfeild re-runs, American Chopper, WRC, F1, NASCAR, NHRA, MythBusters (and really Discovery in general). Basically anything on Speed, Discovery, MTV, FX, or Comedy Central.


I usually only read car magazines and such ... but lately I've been going through a lot of my old books from school, some short stories as well as anatomy and differential diagnosis books. Also trying to do some research on local areas to hike and camp.


My Mom for teaching me to stand up for myself while still keeping God and my morals first, my Dad for showing me how to work hard and keep striving in Life (even when the world seems against you) and how to be a man of God, my Wife for daily showing love to me and my son.

My Blog

Anti-Aging Guide

Prevention's Anti-Aging Guide Provided by: ..article-->By Andreas von Bubnoff and Joanna Lloyd, Prevention Last Updated: 12/04/2006 09:54:21 We used to think our fate was in the cardsor in the sta...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 03:18:00 PST

Rich Man .. Poor Man

So many times in life we find that there is a very fine line between extremes.  Much of life is a cyclic pattern and due to that very nature going towards extremes in any direction will often bri...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:41:00 PST

85% North Carolinian (is that even a word?) ...

I'm 85% NC!  [x] You've lived in NC for more than 5 years. [x] Sweet tea is THE drink. [x] You've been to Charlotte. [x] You know what a "tarheel" is. [ ] Your lifetime goal is to own a firework...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 02:35:00 PST

Our Future!

Well guys and gals, some of you have known about this for a few weeks and some of you have had your suspicions, but just to inform the rest you all as to what is going on in my life and that...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 03:45:00 PST

When I go to Canada

So my friend Kate and I were talking last night and we had a funny idea, that now is going to give me a reason to go to Canada just so I can try it out.  Instead of doing the normal 100 km/h Cana...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:27:00 PST

Baja 500

Well, I'm back. All I can say is that it was a difficult weekend...: First off I just want to send out some prayers to the family of Chris Lokken, the 157 team, and the 1505 team.   Chris wa...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:31:00 PST

Mr. Motorcycle Cop ...

so i got about the most lame ticket ever about 30 mins ago. ticket is for: 1. "failure to stop at a traffic signal" 2. "improper use of seatbelt"3. "tail light not working"so as i'm going under a traf...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:55:00 PST

Class 11 for sale.

1970 (?) VW Class 11 (non-Super Beetle).  Chassis originally built by Shaffers Offroad, rear suspension redesigned last season by KAT Fabrication.  Currently car has Fox's all around with Bi...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 11:46:00 PST

Cities that suit me?

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Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:32:00 PST

Vegas Grand Prix 2007

Well, Chriti, Aidan, and I just got back from the first Grand Prix here in Vegas.  It was fun.  We got to watch it from the streets of Vegas and had a decent spot.  Seeing the cars *SCR...
Posted by Jonny Vegas ... Welcome to Crossville! on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST