I'm a stay at home mom who wouldn't change it for the world.
Meet our newest addition, Layne!!!!!! Our little rock star was born 10-11-06 weighing in @9lbs and 1oz , now 8 months old, 26 lbs with 6 teeth!!
I LOVE all kinds of music, concerts, movies and poetry. I love a good time, HA! a quiet time, zzzzzzzz... a loud and obnoxious -in your face time, a catch up with old friends time, and of course family time!.."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQu
Y29tLw==" target="_blank" (Brandy, my sis-in-law )There's never enough time for that!
I jumped on here to support my husband's band DOWN FOR NOW, and to support other local music. I took this picture and many more if your interested in seein' more, or want to see see more of DOWN FOR NOW, drop me a comment here or a line @ [email protected]
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1