Just hanging out with my peeps when i get the chance too.. You can find me rollar skating on 1st and 3rd saturdays if im in town ;-) cus i like to roll bounce on ya'll ass.. Im a Sims fan too.. lol.. Matter of fact let me get my ass off of myspace and play my game.. lol i been neglecting it for a while now..
Any models, actors, everyday people, if you need a make up artist, get at ya girl. Dream Looks is about to be real official! I do weddings, video shoots and photoshoots..
I'd like to meet anyone that is doing something with themselves... Promotors, other models, basically any one in entertainment.. We may be able to help each other out.Im not on myspace to hook up with anyone... Just on here to network and thats it.. There is nothing you can say to make me change my mind etc.. im content with where I am and thats single and flirting.. hehe.. lol well just single.. ;-)View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
For those that need marketing help, Check out my fav guy, Will aka Mr.Marketing 407
, He's in my top so make sure you check out his work.. just check out all my friends, they doing big thangs!!! Whether its music, modeling, marketing, photography.. they doin it! check em out!
Deep Survey:
Deep Questions
Who are you? Shelly.. The chick thats been to hell and back.. and ready to take on the world!!!
What keeps you awake at night? hmmm i would say nothing now... I do not worry anymore..
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? I would change nothing... everything happens for a reason.. My past has made me into the person I am today.. I'm not too bad, that I would want to change anything.
Are you happy with your life at the moment? yes I am... finally
What do you like most about yourself? I like my heart.. Its a genuine heart... that loves unconditionally
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Not anymore.. Im content with me now.
What's the worst thing anyone has ever done to you? Where do I begin?
Do you have a dark secret that you have never told anyone? yeah I do... I'll tell one day..
What do you like most about your friends? That despite my crazy ass, they still my friends and they're there when I need them.. the true ones that is..
Have you ever come close to dying? yeah...
What one thing do you want most in this world? 2 B loved...
How do you want to be remembered when you die? I couldnt tell you, But remember me as you wish... Just remember me..
What do you never take for granted? Times shared with my family and friends... Those moments you can never get back once they're gone....
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comYou're also looking at the First Lady of Rose Gold Entertainment !
They in my top also.. Its good thing going on with Rose Gold.. check em out!! LETS GET IT, Prophyle! Its official for the 08'!! cheaCheck out BVE !!
Im one of the new Thique Kandi Models..check em out.. they on my top also!! Whats good Mr. Velvet !
yoo im really feeling J. Holiday.. lol.. i listen to all kinds of music.. there isnt enough space to type everyone i listen too.. but you'll be surprised at whats in my cd player... Go thru my playlist and its everything im listening to at the moment.. enjoy
Transformers was the best movie of the year as far as im concerned.. lol was it just my friend and I who thought that every damn car we saw after the movie was gonna transform into some shit.. lol ok maybe it was just us.. but hell it was a good movie! lol
Im not too much a tv person.. but I wll be glued to I love New York 2... I know if she can find love, then danmit I can... and Nip/Tuck! Yoo I cant forget the boondocks.. thats the funniest show.. lol from the nigga moments to having a bitch dependency.. i dont know whats funnier..
Anything by Omar Tyree or Zane.. females need to read The Sex Cronicals by Zane! lol.. Edgar Allen Poe has some straight stories also.. lol I CAN READ and i didnt need lil jon to tell me to read ah muthafuckin book! lol
My hero is Mrs. Mary Alice Bailey.. She doesnt take any shit from anyone and She gives some good advice at the right time.. Sometimes i think she knows what im going thru before i even tell her... majority of the time I dont have to say anything. I needed to get rid of alot of people in my life.. so um.. if you havent heard from me in a while.. then you were one of those people.. I'm blind 2 U hataz.. I'm on a different path now, so catch up or get left behind..HOLLA!