my # 1 interest is guyz...i just LOVE the, but i also luv listenin to music...gotta have my tunes
boys of course...hott ones..DUH...although i'm not usually the one gettin the guyz, there's alwayz time 2 start, rite? lol
rap, hip hop, a lil r & b, punk rock, rock n roll, and that's pretty much just glad i hate country music, or i'd b a 100% hick!!! lol. myself, and irene...perfect score...spider man 2...and way 2 many otherz
I dont rele have a fav tv show....but pimp my ride is pretty awesome...and MAD TV...STEWART IS MY LOVER &hearts, jk jk but he rox!!!
well i would talk about books but i cant read.. yeah im a hick so what?...darcy put that....i don't rele read that many books, i don't have nething interesting to read...a child called it was pretty good i guess, and among the betrayed, but i dont rele care what books i read
if ne1 watches mad tv then they kno who stewart is...but yeah stewart is my hero!!! and ms. swan....i tell u!!!