Who is Stadium L? This is alter-ego of polish producer, whose real name is Elvis. Born on 28th of August, has always strong love to all kinds of music, which is the way of his life. He was introduced to popular music, since he discovered tv chanells like MTV or Viva, when he was circa 5 y.o. Enjoying this time, his passion grew more and more every day and he decided to produce his own electronic sounds. At the age of 12, he bought first programs like e-jay and started make dance music. It was not, what he want from producing. His ambitoius gives him direction to get more proffesional pc equipment. Since 2007 he produced with Fl studio. Started from electro-house movement, he changed his music direction year later.
So what is the style of Stadium L?
''My style is music!'' - he claims.
''It's not about any genre, it's all about the way you feel music. The finest in electronic sounds! This is what he likes the most. ''The greatest moment in producing starts, when you sit with your equipment, look at the sky and reminds the best memories of yourself''
That's when a passion becomes a life....
So watch out for more stuff of him!
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