“The highest art will be that which in its conscious content presents the thousandfold problems of the day, the art which has been visibly shattered by the explosions of last week, which is forever trying to collect its limbs after yesterday’s crash. The best and most extraordinary artists will be those who every hour snatch the tatters of their bodies out of the frenzied cataract of life, who, with bleeding hands and hearts, hold fast to the intelligence of their time.†- berlin dada manifesto
...noise...anyone that can instruct me on how to destroy that which destroys you...anyone that negates an anti-position in favour of anarchistic (anarchic) humour and tactical subversion..."what prevents what we say on the construction of everyday life from being recuperated by the cultural establishment (arguments, academic thinkers with paid vacations) is the fact that all situationist ideas are nothing other than faithful developments of acts attempted constantly by thousands of people to try and prevent another day from being no more than twenty-four hours of wasted time" - s.i...
"This is planet earth. So turn your radio on. Get to your knees and listen To the sound of the universe."