My interests vary overtime so for now I am not going to sound like I'm obsessed.
I want to meet anybody who does what they want, not what others pressure them to do. In other words, I want to meet leaders, not followers.
I support the local bands that my sister Brianna is part of. I only support rock/Kpop/Jpop/techno/alternative/indie
Resident Evil, The Pest, Super Mario Brothers, POTC, Harry Potter, LOTR, Fight Club, Grandma's Boy, Zoolander
The Boondocks, Futurama, Family Guy, Dog The Bounty Hunter, American Choppers
Harry Potter was awesome, but the series is over so I dont read it anymore
Mike Tyson, Allan Rice, K. Scott Brown, Diane Chancy, Smiget, Jboy, and Brad Pitt only when he was Tyler Durdem