Im Rachael.. This is my second myspace..
I have issues with anorexia, bullimia, depression, self-harm..
Ive been like this for 5yr & constantly in & out of "treatment".. I didnt make this happen, I never asked for it, dont treat me like I did.. my "issues" dont define who i am..
I believe Im fat & disgusting & i dont care wat anyone says coz it wont change the way i feel!
Eating Disorder Survey
*The Basics*
Name:: Rachael
Sex:: Female
Birthday:: 30th November
Age:: 18 this yr
Location:: Australia
Hair Color:: brown
Eye Color:: green
*My Eating Disorder*
What Eating Disorders Do You Have:: Anorexia & bullimia
How Long Have You Had Them:: 5yr
Why Do You Have An Eating Disorder:: I dunno.. I was fat & did something about it..
Are You Proud or Ashamed of Your Eating Disorder:: Proud now.. used 2 be ashamed..
Do People Know About Your Eating Disorder:: Yes
Do You Wish People Knew About it:: I dont care
Do You Wish You Never Had An Eating Disorder:: Sometimes..
Do You Think The Media is Partially Responsible For Your Eating Disorder:: Not entirely..
*My Body*
Weight Before Eating Disorder:: bout 50-55kg
Current Weight:: dunno mum threw out scales.. 2months ago i was 48kg..
Highest Weight:: 55kg
Lowest Weight:: 31kg
Are You Tired A lot:: yep
Have You Ever Fainted:: yep
Are You Cold All The Time:: not at the moment coz i got fat again..
Do Your Ribs Show:: no =(
Do Your Hipbones Show:: NO =( even worse!!!
Does Your Collar Bone Show:: a tiny bit..
Can You See Your Ribs Through Your Back:: i dunno?? used 2 be able 2 but i avoid mirrors these days..
Do Your Thighs Touch:: yep coz im fat!
Chest Size:: umm like bra?? im a 10A
Does Your Head Look Too Big For Your Body:: not anymore
Are You Satisfied With The Way You Look Now:: NO!!!
If You Could, What Would You Change About Yourself:: EVERYTHING! mainly my stomach!
What Is Your B.M.I.:: like 18.5-19 i think..
What Do The Doctors Say is Your Ideal Weight:: Umm like 5 kg more than wat i am..
What Do You Think Is Your Ideal Weight:: 45kg or under..
Who Are Your Thinspirations:: Mary-Kate, Nicole richie, Kate Bosworth, Jessica Alba, Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham..
Who is Your Favorite Thinspiration:: Celebs or other ED sufferers..
Who is Your Second Favorite Thinspiration:: I dont havea second fave.. my fave would have 2 be Mary-Kate so i guess Nicole Richie is my second..
Why Do You Envy Them:: Hell Yea!!!
What's The Best Thing About Them:: They have perfect bodies & r beautiful!
What's The Worst Thing About Them:: Im fatter than them!
Would You Trade Places With Them If You Could:: Yes
*My Mind*
Do You Consider Your Eating Disorder a 'Disorder':: Yes
Are You Pro-Ana/Pro-Mia:: Kinda.. its so tempting!
Would You Ever Want Your Best Friend To Have An Eating Disorder:: No..
What Are Your Disordered Eating Habits:: I either starve, binge or purge..
Are You Obsessive Compulsive:: Not entirely.. just a perfectionist
Are You A Perfectionist:: Yes
Do You Have Depression:: Yes
Are You A Cutter:: Yes
Have You Ever Been Suicidal:: Yes
Have You Ever Attempted Suicide:: Yes
Have You Ever Been Hospitalized For Mental Reasons:: Yes my ED's & depression..
Have You Ever Been Hospitalized For Your Eating Disorder:: Yes like 7 times..
Do You Have Body Dismorphic Disorder:: Yes
Does Everyone Think You Are Too Thin:: They used 2 but now im huge!
*Your Life Outside Your Disorder*
Favorite Color:: Black
Favorite Movie:: Dont have one, luv too many lol!
Favorite Book:: Same as the above!
Favorite T.V. Show:: Americas Next Top Model, Simple life, House, anything on MTV...
Favorite Season:: Spring
Favorite Day of The Week:: Friday
Favorite Time Of Day:: Morning
Favorite Holiday:: Dont have one coz never been on a proper one..
Favorite Hobby:: Shopping, Gym, reading, movies..
Favorite Actor:: hmm thats hard.. umm Johnny Depp =P
Favorite Actress:: Umm thats hard as well.. umm Rachel Mc adams at the moment..
Favorite Musician:: Hard umm.. Christina Aguilera!
Do You Have Any Pets:: Yes 2 cats
What Do You Like To Do In Your Spare Time:: Shop, exercise, work, read, spend time with friends..
*The Future*
What Do You Want To Study In College:: Nursing
What Career Do You Want:: I wanna be a nurse.. would luv2 be an actress or singer..
Do You Ever Want To Get Married:: Someday
Do You Ever Want Kinds:: Someday
Where Do You Want To Live:: In Australia, New York or LA..
Will You Have Any Pets:: yep
What Type of House Do You Want:: a two story one..
What Goals Do You Have That Are Unrelated To Your Eating Disorder:: umm be happy & succesful.. i dunno lol!
What's Your Number One Priority:: Finding Happiness but at the moment it been my body..
How Do You Think You Will Die:: Heart attack or something related 2 my ED
When Do You Think You WIll Die:: I dunno.. in a few yrs..
Will You Be Missed By Anyone:: Doubt it... maybe my family i guess..
Will You Have Any Regrets:: Yes..
Will You Have Any Unfinished Business:: Yes..
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