Stealing from Garage sales, chasing people on ten-speeds, solipsistic pseudo-sciences, water aerobics, trips to the DMV, gift-wrapping, ambiguously gay scarves, felching myself with random objects and/or small rodents, urinating in public/or on the homeless, clipping my girl friend's toe nails, picking on children, reading spam, and lying to old people..
In addition to Uncle Rico types, I wanna meet my innerchild at a bar for cocktails, then kick his ass later in the parking lot.
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Musicals are the best way to really listen to music. Other than that it's gotta be Z 107.7=== they play ALL the best music! In fact, it should be the only station syndicated worldwide
Snuff Films, or anything with David Hasselhoff
The View, Dr. Phil, and Skin-a-Max (soft porn only)
I only read TV Guide and sub-titles
Jessica Alba's OB/GYN
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.. .. I edited my profile at