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Check out my most recent film called Potheads the Movie staring Ray Park (Star Wars,X-Men), Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite, Pauley Perette (NCIS, The Ring), E.G Daily (The Devils Reject, Rugrats, Power Puff Girls) and many others at or go to and type in Potheads The Movie to get a full cast list. The film will be available soon on DVD as well as merchandise......You might have also saw me in "The Girl Next Door" I had a few lines and played one of the minions...woo hoo....I like alot of comedies and really messed up movies. I like raw, edgy films that make you feel alive....a few that come to mind....Requiem for a Dream, Trainspotting, KIDS.....I love horror films....being scared is an awesome feeling....Saw 1 and 2, The Scream Trilogy, Blair-Witch Project (Genius Marketing), and can't forget old-school Freddy Kreuger and Mike Meyers....Halloween so sick, definately my favorite.....even had the halloween mask.....not a big sci-fi fan, don't like westerns, get a kick out of romantic comedies, love dry humor, love sarcastic characters like David Spades' in Tommy Boy/Black Will Farrell, Chris Kattan, Jim Carrey, Jason Lee, Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, all those guys.......Im very open minded so regardless if I love or hate a movie, at least I can relate to it.....don't give up on a film after 20 mintues.....those filmmakers didnt give up after there electric was turned off and found themselves sharing bowls of cold macaroni and cheese with only a 1/5 of the film shot......
Books open up your imagination. I also love reading screenplays.
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