Margaret profile picture


I view the world through the eyes of an artist, come see what I see the gift and the curse

About Me

I'm a passionate, determined, stubborn at times, vulnerable, sensitive, loving, Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Friend, and Actress. I love God and am intrigued at how He guides us through our lives, if we allow Him, and builds our character through challenges and tests. I've learned so much about myself in the last few years as I've been more faithful to Him. I thank Him every day for the wonderful family and friends that He's blessed me with. I love doing things with my family (Mike, Jade and Vanessa), there's nothing like hanging out, just the four of us! Whatever or where ever it may be. We're each other's biggest fans and encouragers. Life's too short for the superficial things; people are what matter and making a difference... Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy hanging out and having fun... and of course I'm no where close to perfect and I'm constantly working on myself, it's a lifetime process.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

I love to travel, cooking, acting, reading, writing, snowboarding, camping, films, music, food (Mexican food and beer especially)... I don't like ignorance, hate, suffering, malice, pain, etc.

I'd like to meet:

God...and my Dad again one day


R&B, Raggae, Pop, Salsa, 90's, 80' Tupac, John Legend, Bebe (from Spain), Sheryl Crow


New Favorite: City of God, loved it! I love foreign indies, Le Femme Nikita (bad ass old french version), Amores Peros, Casino, Blue Crush (cheesy I know), Notting Hill, The Beach, Legends of the Fall, and many more...


Greys Anatomy, Prison Break, Oprah, Entourage, Rome...


90 Minutes in Heaven, The Purpose Driven Life, Cane River, Playing with Boys, Bling, The Dirty Girls Social Club, The Sky O'Malley novels...

My Blog

Mean Moms

I came across this on a friends page and I just loved it, what a great poem...I knew I wasn't the only mean mom out there!   Mean Moms Someday when my children are old enough to understand the lo...
Posted by Margaret on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 08:51:00 PST

Missions Trip to Colima Mexico!

Mike, Vanessa and I are going on a missions trip to Colima, Mexico in April.    We'll be volunteering at different orphanages, and we need to raise $1000 each (minimum), but our g...
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST

My 40 day fast...

I started a fast at the beginning of the year not really putting too much thought into it.  I just felt the need for intimacy w/ God and for some breakthrough in my life and those around me....
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:37:00 PST


I usually don't do stuff like this, but I think it's important to share.    I wanted to share this message I received from the Paula White luncheon a few weeks ago. ...
Posted by Margaret on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:53:00 PST