Rusticle profile picture


take me to the riot

About Me

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Which solo Morrissey song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla........................ CrackersCA.......................

My Interests

music, food, bikes, movies, [bio]diesel vehicles, architectural salvage, beer, boys, stubble, tattered clothes, IMing, MOing, pineapples...

I'd like to meet:

Faggots and retards. Nerdy boys, rejects, outcasts, Cali natives, people who rock accents with pride.


the Smiths, Patrick Wolf, Stars, Tina Turner, Shocking Blue, Radiohead, Elvis, PJ Harvey, Nirvana, Belle & Sebastian, Arcade Fire, Bowie, Death Cab, Comet Gain, Sigur Ros, GBV,, Sonic Youth, Oasis, Janis Joplin, Smashing Pumpkins, Kate Bush, YYY's, Hidden Cameras, Broken Social Scene, TV on the Radio, Explosions in the Sky, Mobius Band


Showgirls, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Basic Instinct, John Waters, Paul Verhoeven, Tarnation, Paris is Burning, Boogie Nights, Falling Down, Far From Heaven, Mysterious Skin, big budget b-movies, horror, anything visually stunning, etc.


Six Feet Under, Project Runway, The O.C., Law and Order: SVU, Desperate Housewives, The Simple Life, 90210, Oprah, Golden Girls, Bargain Hunt, Dog the Bounty Hunter


Other Voices, Other Rooms; Line of Beauty, Warhol Diaries, Perks of Being a Wallflower

My Blog

Denise Richards' tits

OK so for the past few nights I've been having this intense desire to get the Denise Richards Playboy.  Finally tonight I decided to do something about it.  I went to 3 (!) places looking for that thi...
Posted by Rusticle on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST