samantha page ♥ mitchell thomas. profile picture

samantha page ♥ mitchell thomas.


About Me

IMPORTANT ::: i am getting one more new myspace, sorry about all the changes. but since i got this one ive realized that the PRIVACY of a regular myspace is something that i really need considering there are some people that i would prefer not seeing my myspace and any information that i have on it. add now ^ untill then dont leave comments or anything, id rather you wait.k thanks bye :)

My Interests


Member Since: 8/10/2007
mitch : my boyfriend and my best friend. the guy that everygirl wants and that im lucky enough to have. he's here for the triumphs, and here to wipe the tears. he teaches me lessons everyday. whether it's how to spell a word, or something that could really effect me in the long run. he always knows how to stick up for me. and i love how much he cares and respects for me. he's the guy that ive always been looking for. we have so much fun together, and half of the stuff that we talk about - i promise you, you wouldnt understand. he knows me better then i know myself. and i wouldnt replace him for the world. i love you mitch.
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