Collecting the odd and discarded, Producing dangerous mind numbing cars, making strange things. SSOA, the ssoa the secret society of odd acquisition, abnormalities, abnormality, absinthe, alchemical art, alchemy, alice, alternative art, amputation, amputations, anatomy, anomalies, anthropology, antiques, art/artifact, autopsies, bats, blood, bones, botanical art, bottled, brothers quay, cabinet photos, cabinets of curiosities, carnivorous plants, cleaver, coffins, creepy dolls, cthulhu, curiosity cabinets, death, death photography, demonic possession, demons, edward gorey, entomology, erotica, fetish, fetish fashion, fetish models, fetish photography, fetus, folk lore, folklore, ghost images, goth, goth girls, gothic, gothic erotica, gothic models, gross things, grotesques, halloween, horror, insects, jarred, memento mori, metaphysics, morbid collections, museums, mysticism, natural history, natural science, necromancy, nightmare culture, nightmares, occult, odd, oddities, operations, poisoning, preserved items, roadkill, satan, sculpture, secret societies, strange, tesla coil, the addams family, unusual things, vampire, witch doctors, witches, wonder cabinets
Johnny Depp (come on, he played Cry Baby), Jack Nickleson (spelling is for loosers), Uh... lets see, everyone else is either met or dead. Met a good chick, good friends, and the dead part?...that was the dead part. Hahaha. No all the good rockabillys are dead already cause they was crazy. Same with most of the awsome hotrodders. I DID MEET GEORGE BARRIS THOUGH!!! Awesome. Ooo ooo, Steve Bushemi.
Rockabilly of course. I like a little Tom Waits. Actually I like his shit alot. Creature Feature is a definite favorite because of their Tim Burton feel. Um... Psychobilly is cool but the only problem is it isn't as happy as the original stuf. Angry. Good drivin shit though.
Cry Baby, of course. There's a whole list but I'm sure that gets kinda mind numbing to scan through. There are some movies by Czech director, Jan Svankmajer. He redid Alice in Wonderland and named it "Alice", and he did a version of Faust. They both have awesome stop motion animation characters. Czech it out.
ADDAMS FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redneck Manifesto, Fan Man, Geek Love, Dr. Rat
Pip Trundle, Tony Goulish, Unclean Ton.