Games (board-, card-, word-, and drinking-)... puzzles (crossword, jigsaw, and drinking)... spending time at my buddy's Virginia farm with my dog.
David Brent, Carl Brutananadilewski, 1954-ish Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, Steve McQueen, conjoined twins, and Simon Cowell.
Early 90's indie rock... new wave circa 1987... bluegrass... The Shins... obscure bands recommended to me by
Glengarry Glen Ross, Memento, Seven, Aliens, Boogie Nights, The Terminator, Bull Durham, American Beauty, Evil Dead 2, Amelie, The Last Seduction, Chicago, Clockwork Orange, Big... I could really go on forever.
Lost, Survivor, The Wire, Nip/Tuck, 90% of Adult Swim, poker tournaments, and Wonder Showzen. And yes I got sucked into American Idol this year; sue me.
A Man In Full, Pale Fire, Catcher in the Rye, The Corrections, and poker books are my bread and butter. Recently loved Blink and Shopgirl.
John Elway, Ricky Gervais, Charles Shaw