No I don't believe in what you say
You're just part of what I despise
Yes you're part of the fucking system
I ain't blind, I can see your lies
Cos the system thrives on ignorance
What the public don't know, they can't reject
In the face of you all I stand defiant
The rest of the people, they wanna forget
"I love people. All people. Even people that no one else loves, I think they're OK, you know."
i love him, he's speciiial ^_^
my top lot is not n anyy particular orderr :]
'Oh Man! I accidentally shot Marvin in the face'
Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com..
James Ramsey
Rhiannon Heath
Alex Farolfi
Jamie Carle
Tommas Cummings
and every other fuckerr