Your Inner Muse is Melpomene
You are most like this muse of tragedy.
While you aren't depressed, you don't shy away from sadness.
Although you do tend to be gloomy, you have a sensitive side.
And this sensitive side helps inspire and help others.
What Muse Are You?
Old friends, new friends...fellow human souls who appreciate the vulnerability of humanity...respect the attempts of others to seek and find happiness...and recognize the beauty in how amazingly different we each experience and express life. As James pinpointed it...I'm a collector of souls. I want to know your story.
Little bit of everything...grew up on Christian: Third Day and Casting Crowns still do it for me. High school choir director stirred a love for jazz: Ella, Sinatra, and Louis are some of my faves. Fell in love with B and country music to the soundtrack of Brad Paisley and Hank Jr a couple of years ago: still rather partial to country...and B, to be completely honest. Recently introduced to the local goth community and thanks to DJ Bones (who totally rocks, by the way) I'm discovering yet another genre of music that is amazing...at least, it's amazing what he does with it. =)
I'm mostly a book-worm but do enjoy some TV.
Stephanie Meyer; Anne Rice; Shakespeare; Poe; mythology; human nature.(LAST WORDS)
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"What we know is not much. What we don't know is enormous."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
No heroes...just those who've sacrificed greatly for me and to whom I will forever be deeply loyal to...Terisa and Ty.(PINUP)
You Are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it
What Famous Pinup Are You?